Am I too Young for Facial Plastic Surgery?

Is blepharoplasty a good idea for a young woman or man? How about a brow lift? When is the best age for a facelift? These and similar questions are commonly asked of our board-certified plastic surgeons, and the resounding answer is, of course, that all depends on the individual.

Best Age for Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery is designed to address signs of aging such as sagging skin, deep creases and fine lines, bags underneath the eyes, and other issues that often come with mature skin. However, in our modern culture, where heads are often cast downward and eyes are constantly scanning bright screens, gravity and other factors can perform quite the job on skin elasticity, firmness, and appearance – causing several people to look towards plastic surgery earlier than was once common.

If you are an adult, you are not too young for plastic surgery. That doesn’t mean that every procedure will be suitable for your needs. The best way to learn if facial plastic surgery can help you reach your goals is through a one-on-one consultation at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery. During this consultation, one of our experienced plastic surgeons will listen intently to your concerns, thoroughly assess your problem areas, and provide you with honest information about your best options. Call us at 650-934-7020 to schedule a consultation and learn more.

Types of Facial Plastic Surgery

There are a number of facial plastic surgery options that address the impacts of gravity and age. These include:

  • Forehead lift. Also known as brow lift surgery, this procedure smooths the forehead, lifts the eyebrows, and eliminates frown furrows in between the eyes
  • Blepharoplasty. Also known as an eyelid lift, this procedure eliminates puffy skin and dark circles from underneath the eyes, lifts the eyelids to a more alert position, and smooths crow’s feet at the corner of the eyes. Blepharoplasty is increasingly popular among younger men and women
  • Facelift. By lifting underlying facial muscles and tissue, this procedure produces a noticeably firmer and more youthful look. When a neck lift is added, turkey waddle and crepey skin on the neck can be eliminated as the jawline is redefined and facial contours restored

Not all facial plastic surgery procedures are designed to address aging or issues like Smartphone Face. Some offer cosmetic benefit to adults of all ages. These include:

  • Rhinoplasty. Alternatively known as a nose job, rhinoplasty address asymmetry, nostril and tip irregularities, and other imperfections with the nose
  • Otoplasty. Ear surgery reshapes the ears to reduce protrusion and similar issues that can make the ears an unwanted point of attention
  • Chin augmentation. To produce a firm and attractive jawline, the chin may need to be improved. Chin augmentation addresses issues like a weak chin to produce a fuller and better-contoured appearance

As with all types of plastic surgery, these options are not ideal for every person we see. That’s why we commit to listening carefully and providing useful information that helps each of our patients make the best decision for their needs.

To schedule your consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons, please contact Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery at 650-934-7020 today. Located in Los Altos, we serve the communities of San Jose, Mountain View, Palo Alto, and nearby areas of California

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