Can a Facelift Eliminate Wrinkles?

Photo,Of,Attractive,Perfect,Beauty,Aged,Lady,Nude,Shoulders,TouchFacelift surgery is used to lift sagging facial muscles and tissue, tighten the skin from jawline to cheekbone, and produce a better defined and more youthfully vibrant appearance. During the procedure, small incisions are made through which underlying structures can be gently lifted into a more pleasing position. This helps to improve the overall shape of the face. Skin is then tightened over these newly lifted areas, allowing for the removal of jowls, the elimination of sagging skin around the cheeks, and a diminishing of deep facial wrinkles.

Does facelift surgery remove wrinkles? Not entirely. But it can significantly diminish their appearance, helping to create a less aged appearance. Better still, these results can last for several years.

Combining Procedures

Facelift surgery addresses skin laxity and sagging facial tissue. In so doing, it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. If wrinkles are of concern to you, we can discuss adding dermal fillers or a wrinkles relaxer to your facial makeover. These and other non-surgical options are designed to address both fine lines and deep wrinkles. They can be used alone or in combination with surgical options, such as facelift, to create the most pleasing results.

At Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeons offer a wide range of non-surgical options that can be used to eliminate wrinkles. Some, such as laser skin resurfacing, can treat additional issues, such as age spots, textural irregularities, spider veins, stretch marks, and more. During your initial consultation at our Los Altos office, we can provide information on all of the services that you are interested in to help you make the best decision for your needs.

Beyond Wrinkle Reduction

Aging has a profound impact on the appearance of the skin. Some of these issues can be addressed with non-surgical treatments. Others will require a surgical solution. The best way to learn which options will help you reach your goals is through a one-on-one consultation at our comfortable office.

Please give us a call at 650-934-7020 to schedule your private consultation today. Located in Los Altos, we serve San Jose, Mountain View, Santa Clara, and all surrounding California communities.

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