Breast Augmentation Before And After
If you live in or around Los Altos, California and are considering breast augmentation, we welcome an opportunity to meet with you, listen to your desires, discuss your breast surgery options, and help you find the best solution. Call us at 650-934-7020 to schedule your consultation today.
Types of Breast Implants
We offer both saline and silicone breast implants. Saline breast implants are filled after they have been placed, which may allow for a smaller incision and can help reduce recovery time. Filling implants after placement also allows for last-minute volume adjustments that can help produce optimal symmetry. However, saline breast implants may not look or feel as natural as silicone breast implants, especially when placed above the muscles of the chest.
Silicone breast implants are pre-filled and may require a larger incision to place. However, silicone implants tend to look and feel more like natural breast tissue. This is particularly true of the “gummy bear” or form-stable option, which is designed to mimic breast tissue almost perfectly.
While there are different varieties of each, both types of implants can provide beautiful results and achieve an outcome that is natural-looking and proportionate to your frame. During your initial consultation, one of our board-certified plastic surgeons will explain the pros and cons of each type of implant to help you choose an option that is best suited for your goals and lifestyle.
Breast Implant Options
Breast implants may be:
- Textured or smooth. Textured implants stay fixed in place. Smooth implants are able to rotate within the implant pocket
- Rounded or teardrop. Rounded implants are circular. Teardrop implants are tapered at the top to more closely resemble natural breast shape
Whether you want a completely natural look or a more enhanced appearance, the size and profile of your implants play a significant role in achieving your desired outcome. To help you choose the breast implant that best suits your goals and frame, we will explain all of your options and help you visualize your outcome in advance through a state-of-the-art 3D imaging system.
Breast Implant Incision Options
The three common incision locations for breast augmentation are:
- Inframammary. Under your breasts
- Areolar. Around your nipple
- Transaxillary. In your armpit
The size of the incisions required for breast implant placement will be dependent on several factors unique to your augmentation procedure and anatomy. Our plastic surgeons take great care to place incisions in inconspicuous locations where, with proper care, they will fade to all but invisible with time.
There are certain advantages offered by each incision placement option, making different selections best for different women. During your time in our care, we will work directly with you, holding your wishes as our primary goal and suggesting those options, like incision location, that will best produce the look you deserve.
Breast Implant Placement Options
There are two primary breast implant placement options:
- Subglandular. Below breast tissue but above chest muscles
- Submuscular. Below both breast tissue and chest muscles
A third option, dual plane, places the upper and mid portions of the implant below chest muscles but leave the lower part covered only by breast tissue.
Subglandular breast implant placement may be a good fit for women with sufficient breast tissue to cover the implant. This option may decrease surgical and recovery time slightly as well because there is no impact on muscles. The tradeoff can be significant, though, as subglandular placement is more likely to result in aesthetic complications like "double bubble," implant sagging, and visible edges.
Submuscular breast implant placement may help reduce the risks of capsular contracture, a rare but painful breast augmentation complication involving scar tissue formation in the breast implant pocket. Placement below the muscles will also eliminate any risks of implant visibility and surface defects like ripples, wrinkles, and creases that may develop over time. This option is the most popular, but not necessarily right for every woman. During your initial consultation, we will discuss all breast implant placement options to ensure you are making the best selection for your body.
What People Say About Us!
"Dr. Maser and his staff are professional, caring, careful, and personal. I got terrific care from the moment I walked in through all my post-op visits. With a location right in Los Altos, the facility couldn't have been more convenient."
Myths and Misconceptions Regarding Breast Augmentation
While breast augmentations are one of the most commonly performed types of cosmetic surgery, they are still the subject of plenty of common myths. Here’s the truth behind several common misconceptions about breast implants and augmentation.
Myth 1: Implants Make Breasts Appear Fake
Gone are the days when breast implants were designed to make a woman’s breasts look unnaturally large. At Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeons have the skills and knowledge to provide you with a beautiful, natural-looking breast augmentation.
Myth 2: Breast Implants Lift the Breasts
While breast augmentation procedures can increase breast size and enhance breast shape, they do have their limitations. They can not fix excessively sagging breasts and may worsen the level of drooping that a patient experiences.
The good news is that there are other procedures that may be better suited for achieving your goals. If you’re located near Los Alto, CA, don’t hesitate to book a breast augmentation consultation with one of our surgeons. We’ll be happy to assess your needs and help you choose the right option for your body.
Myth 3: Nipple Sensitivity After Implants Is Permanent
It’s common to experience some numbness in the first few weeks after breast augmentation surgery. But rest assured that this is very rarely permanent. Once your body and nerves adjust, normal sensitivity will return within a few weeks.
Myth 4: Breast Implants Need To Be Replaced Every Few Years
Only one in every five women needs to have their implants replaced within ten years of a breast augmentation procedure. Choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon and scheduling regular check-ups can help ensure that your implants last as long as possible before replacing or adjusting.
Risks and Complications of Breast Augmentation
At Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, we understand that any type of cosmetic surgery is a big decision. That’s why our board-certified plastic surgeons are happy to answer any questions you may have about the risks associated with breast implants.
These may include, but are not limited to:
- Implant complications such as breast pain or infection
- The need for additional surgeries
- The risk of rupture, leakage, or deflation
- Scar tissue and the risk of capsular contracture
- Implant shifting
Additionally, the FDA has identified a possible link between breast implants and anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, a rare form of cancer. Our surgeons are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have and help you identify the right option for you.
Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation
Fat transfer uses fat from your own body to improve the size, shape, and symmetry of your breasts. With fat transfer breast augmentation, fat is collected through liposuction before being cleaned, processed, and reinjected into targeted areas of the breasts.
Because there are no implants used, breast augmentation through fat transfer produces natural looking and feeling results. However, it may take more than one treatment for optimal results and may not be suitable for women interested in significant changes in size or shape.
During your initial consultation, we can help you determine if fat transfer is the right solution for your breast augmentation procedure.
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?
The best candidates for breast augmentation are women who are dissatisfied with the size, shape, profile, projection, or similar aspects of their breasts. Additional considerations include:
- General health. Good breast augmentation candidates are nonsmokers who are in generally good health and are physically prepared for a surgical procedure
- Ability to recover. Recovery from breast augmentation requires time away from work and family obligations. The best candidates for this procedure have the support needed to carve out this time
- Attention to instructions. There may be steps required for some women to improve candidacy. These pre and postoperative steps are essential for protecting the health and safety of our patients. Good candidates for any plastic surgery procedure will need to follow these instructions
Combining Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift
It’s important to understand that, although breast augmentation can enhance the size of your breasts and improve the appearance of mild sagging, it is not effective for addressing moderate to severe sagging. In order to properly correct sagging issues, a breast lift is likely necessary. During your time in our care, we will help you determine if breast enlargement alone or in combination with a breast lift surgery will make the most sense for your needs.
Recovery from Breast Augmentation
Recovery from breast augmentation is different for every woman. Generally speaking, however, most women are able to resume a majority of normal activities within one to two weeks. Some swelling, mild discomfort, and bruising may be present during this time. We will provide you with instructions to help reduce swelling, minimize postoperative discomfort, and speed the recovery process. During your follow-up visits at our Los Altos office, we will gauge your rate of recovery and make personal recommendations based on where you are at each stage.
You may need to avoid bathing, swimming, and any other activity that could impact incision healing. This includes more demanding physical activities as well as anything that would require an over-stretching of the surgical area. Most women are able to resume all normal activities within four to six weeks.
How To Get Rid of Scarring After Breast Augmentation Surgery
Much like any other type of cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation can result in scarring. Your plastic surgeon will use care to ensure that any incision marks are as hidden as possible.
Your scarring should blend in with the rest of your skin about a year after your procedure. Several treatment options can help reduce the appearance of scarring over time, including:
- Ointments, oils, and creams
- Laser treatments
- Cryotherapy
- Scar massage
We will provide you with a full list of aftercare instructions and are always happy to answer any questions you may have about your recovery.
How Much Does a Breast Augmentation Cost in Los Altos, CA?
The cost of breast augmentation with implants ranges depending on factors that are specific to each procedure. All of the breast augmentations performed by our plastic surgeons are completed at our private, AAAAHC-accredited surgical suites. Maintaining on-site surgical suites allows us to better control some of the costs associated with breast augmentation including anesthesiologist fees, and fees for attending medical personnel. During your initial consultation, we will discuss the costs associated with breast augmentation and give you an accurate quote based on your needs and goals.
Financing Options for Breast Augmentation in Los Altos, CA
If paying for breast augmentation out-of-pocket is not a good option for you or if you’d simply prefer to finance your procedure, we work with CareCredit®, a healthcare financing company with promotional rates including 0% APR and low, fixed monthly payment options. We can provide you with information about this service during your initial consultation or you can visit the CareCredit website to learn more.
Contact Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery
Each of our board-certified plastic surgeons is dedicated to providing the safest, most effective, and most aesthetically pleasing breast augmentation procedures. Committed to the happiness of all of our patients, we take time to plan and perform breast implant placement with the greatest attention to detail in order to create natural-looking and feeling results. If you are considering breast augmentation, give us a call at 650-934-7020 to schedule a consultation and learn more. Or, you can fill out the appointment request form on this page.
Located in Los Altos, Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery welcomes patients from Palo Alto, San Jose, Santa Clara, Mountain View, and all surrounding areas.