Tummy Tuck in Los Altos & Palo Alto, CA

Plastic Surgeons Serving San Jose, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos, Santa Clara & Nearby South Bay, California

Sometimes, no matter how much you work out or eat right, you just can’t lose that extra bulge around your midsection. This can be especially true if you’ve recently had children or lost a significant amount of weight very quickly. Abdominal muscles can be stretched and even separated.

Both men and women can experience the accumulation of unwanted fat and skin around the midsection, making tummy tuck surgery a popular procedure for people of all genders in various stages of life.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your abdominal area, please call Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery today at 650-934-7020 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. We serve patients from the Silicon Valley and Bay Area, including Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose and San Francisco, California.

Tummy Tuck Los Altos CA

What Is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is a surgical body contouring procedure designed to improve the appearance of your abdominal region. During your procedure, one of our experienced tummy tuck surgeons will create a flatter, tighter stomach area by:

  • Removing excess fat from your abdominal area
  • Tightening stretched or loose abdominal muscles
  • Tightening or removing hanging, excess skin
  • Re-draping remaining skin

At Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, we never take a one-size-fits-all approach to any procedure. Not every tummy tuck will involve the removal of excess fat or the repositioning of abdominal muscles. The specifics of your abdominoplasty will depend on your unique needs and physical attributes. The best way to find out which steps will be involved in your procedure is to schedule a personal consultation at our office.

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What People Say About Us!

"Dr. Maser and his staff are professional, caring, careful, and personal. I got terrific care from the moment I walked in through all my post-op visits. With a location right in Los Altos, the facility couldn't have been more convenient."

- Becky Cox

Tummy Tuck Benefits

Even our most health-conscious patients can find themselves struggling with aesthetic abdominal issues. There are many ways why you may notice changes to your midsection, from weight fluctuations to just getting older. Our bodies attempt to store excess fat cells where they can be retrieved and metabolized as quickly as possible. This usually occurs around the torso. A good diet and healthy exercises routine can help, but it’s not always enough.

what tummy tucks can do

If you are near your ideal weight but still unhappy with the appearance of your midsection, a tummy tuck can provide you with a number of potential benefits, including:

  • Slimmer, more toned appearance in the abdominal region
  • Eradication of loose, hanging skin that frequently accompanies recent weight loss or childbirth
  • Tighter abdominal muscles
  • Diminished appearance of stretch marks in the stomach region
  • Improved self-confidence

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Tummy Tuck - Before & After

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Mini Tummy Tuck

The mini tummy tuck solely addresses the part of the midsection below the belly button. It is a less-invasive procedure than a full tummy tuck and provides subtler results. It is ideal for healthy patients who can’t get rid of their “belly pooch.”

During a mini tummy tuck, your surgeon will:

  • Make a small horizontal incision beneath the belly button
  • Remove excess skin
  • Tighten abdominal muscles
  • Close the incision

Because of the less-invasive techniques involved in mini abdominoplasty, most patients are able to fully recover in less than a week.

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Full Tummy Tuck

If you want to flatten the abdominal area both above and below the belly button, a full tummy tuck may be your ideal solution.

During a full tummy tuck, your surgeon will:

  • Make a horizontal incision between the hips and around the belly button (umbilicus)
  • Remove excess skin and tissue
  • Pull remaining muscle and skin tightly over the stomach
  • Reposition the belly button
  • Close the incision

Full tummy tucks are intended for patients who have an excessive amount of skin around the midsection and weakening abdominal muscles. Incisions are always made as small as possible. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and patients typically need about two-weeks to recover from the procedure before fully getting back to their regular activities.

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Circumferential Lower Body Lift

Commonly performed after bariatric surgery, a circumferential lower body lift addresses the entire abdominal area in addition to the hips and lower back. This procedure is appropriate for patients who want to completely reshape their upper body and are in good overall health.

During a circumferential lower body lift, your surgeon will:

  • Make incisions horizontally along the lower belly and vertically through the belly button
  • Excess skin and tissue is removed from the abdominal area
  • Fat is removed from the hips and lower back through liposuction
  • The belly button is repositioned
  • The incisions are closed
Tummy Tuck Surgery Palo Alto CA

A circumferential lower body lift provides the most dramatic results of any of the abdominoplasty options, but is also the most invasive. Recovery time for this procedure can last three to four weeks.

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Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, or Both?

There are a wide range of plastic surgery options to help you achieve the flat, sculpted look you desire. Depending on your unique goals and anatomical characteristics, you may achieve optimal results from abdominoplasty, liposuction, or a combination of procedures.

During your initial consultation, your surgeon will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, assess your physical condition and recommend the treatment or combination of procedures that will provide you with the results that best suit your needs.

Generally speaking, if your primary goals are to remove excess skin and tighten loose abdominal muscles, abdominoplasty may be the ideal solution. If you have good skin tone and your chief concern is the removal of belly fat, then liposuction may be a better option.

Combining these procedures, or including them in a more comprehensive procedure such as a mommy makeover, may be the best approach if you want to address multiple aesthetic concerns at once.

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Am I a Candidate for Abdominoplasty Surgery?

Typically, you may be a good candidate for abdominoplasty surgery if you:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Don’t smoke
  • Are near your ideal body weight
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Have loose, hanging skin and excess fat around your abdominal area
  • Have loose, widened abdominal muscles that could benefit from tightening
Tummy Tuck Surgery Los Altos CA

Just because you may not meet all of the criteria listed above, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t still a good candidate for abdominoplasty. Our experienced tummy tuck surgeons will make individualized recommendations.

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Tummy Tuck Recovery

The amount of time your tummy tuck recovery takes will vary depending on the type of abdominoplasty performed and your individual healing process. Before your surgery, your tummy tuck surgeon will provide you with detailed postoperative instructions. It is crucial to adhere to these instructions closely in order to ensure an optimal recovery. Generally speaking, the more extensive your abdominoplasty procedure, the longer it will take to fully recover.

Bruising and swelling are common after abdominoplasty surgery. These minor side effects can be successfully handled with gentle exercise (such as taking light walks) and by wearing a compression garment. You will be prescribed pain medication to address any postoperative discomfort.

While improvement can be seen within four to eight weeks of your procedure, the full results of your tummy tuck may not be fully achieved for several months. By taking care of your body and carefully following your surgeon’s advice, you can reduce your recovery time and speed up you results.

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Maintaining the Results of Your Tummy Tuck

While abdominoplasty can provide dramatic and life-altering outcomes, it’s essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid weight gain to ensure long-lasting results. Gaining weight increases fat accumulation and skin expansion as well as reduced muscle strength and connectivity.

To prevent unwanted complications that result from weight gain, it’s important to commit to a healthy diet, which includes:

  • Complex carbohydrates
  • Nuts, seeds, and legumes
  • Lean proteins
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

If maintaining a healthy diet is difficult, it may be helpful to seek the help of a nutritionist until good habits are soundly established.

The other key component to long-lasting abdominoplasty results is exercise. Depending on your health and ability, it’s usually a good idea to aim for 60-90 minutes of exercise a day. This can include activities such as:

  • Using an elliptical, treadmill or stationary bicycle
  • Weight training
  • Yoga or pilates
  • Swimming
  • Walking or jogging
Tummy Tuck Surgeon Los Altos CA

For some patients, it can be difficult to develop a sustainable exercise regimen. This is another instance in which it may be beneficial to seek the help of a specialist. A professional trainer can show you around the gym and tailor a routine that meets your specific needs.

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Why Choose Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery for Your Abdominoplasty

It’s important to choose a plastic surgeon who is qualified to provide the results you desire and deserve. By choosing Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery for your tummy tuck surgery, you can expect:

  • Board-certified plastic surgeons: Every physician at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. This ensures your doctor has undergone rigorous testing and advanced training in the field of plastic surgery.
  • AAAHC-accredited surgical center: Our onsite surgical center is fully certified and accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). This honored distinction signifies that our surgical facility meets the highest standards of safety and comfort.
  • Advanced technology and techniques: At Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, we are committed to using the most effective methods and state-of-the-art technology to provide world-class results that are second to none. We never hop on the latest fad for the sake of offering something new. Your safety and satisfaction are always our top priorities.
  • Proven record of results: We are driven by a passion for excellence, but don’t just take our word for it; see for yourself. We invite you to visit our before and after gallery to see the stunning results we’ve delivered to our patients in the past.
  • Individualized care: We pride ourselves on treating patients, not body parts. When you work with us, you will never be treated like a number. Our job is to understand you and your goals and provide results that are customized just for you.

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Schedule Your Free Tummy Tuck Consultation Today

It’s time to begin the journey toward the beautifully-sculpted body contours of your dreams. Contact Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery today online or at 650-934-7020 to schedule your free initial consultation. We welcome patients from the Silicon Valley and Bay Area, including Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose and San Francisco, California.

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