Am I a Good Butt Lift Candidate?

Strive for progress, not perfection. Closeup of fitness woman with tight hips and firm buttocks in workout leggings and measuring tape.Butt lift surgery can produce symmetry and add volume to bottoms that are flat, saggy, or too small for the frame. If when looking at your backside you aren’t happy with what you see, you may be the ideal butt lift candidate.

Buttock enhancement through fat grafting, also known as a Brazilian Butt Lift, is an effective way to improve the size, shape, and contours of the buttocks. People who have lost volume due to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, genetic factors, or the simple process of aging may benefit from this safe and effective surgical option. The best way to learn if butt lift surgery is the right fit for your needs is through a one-on-one consultation with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon.

Considerations for Butt Lift Candidacy

The best candidates for butt lift surgery are:

  • Nonsmokers
  • In generally good health
  • Physically and emotionally prepared for a surgical procedure
  • Able to take time off for a brief recovery period
  • Realistic with goals and expectations

During your initial consultation, one of our board-certified plastic surgeons will discuss your goals and review your medical history to help you determine if buttock enhancement is the right solution for your needs.

Harvesting Fat

The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure uses fat from your body to enhance the appearance of your derriere. This fat is taken from areas with some to spare, allowing the procedure to add the benefit of sculpting typical donor sites such as the thighs, abdomen, and flanks. Removing fat from these areas can help to tone and sculpt adjacent parts of the body and serve to enhance the final appearance of your butt lift procedure. We will determine the best areas for fat removal based on your stated goals and specific needs.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you are considering buttock augmentation, we welcome the opportunity to meet with you for a private and confidential consultation at our Los Altos office. Please call Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery at 650-934-7020 to schedule your consultation today. We serve Palo Alto, San Jose, Mountain View, Santa Clara, and all nearby areas of California.

Good Butt Lift Surgery Candidates

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Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

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