Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures in Los Altos & Palo Alto, CA

Plastic Surgeons Serving San Jose, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos, Santa Clara & Nearby South Bay, California

In any personal or professional interaction, your face is the focus of attention during conversation. Your eyes, lips and expressions convey your emotions and help you communicate with those around you.

When you are unhappy with your facial appearance, it can affect your self-confidence and make you feel uncomfortable in daily interactions. That’s why it’s so important to feel proud of the way you look.

A youthful, energetic facial appearance reflects your inner vitality and verve. When you feel good about the way you look, your inner beauty can shine through more easily, and you convey your confidence to the world.

At Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, we believe you deserve to look and feel your best. We also know that facial plastic surgery demands an advanced level of expertise to ensure your results are elegant and natural looking.

Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures Los Altos CA

To learn more about the facial procedures we offer, call us today at 650-934-7020 to schedule a free consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

We welcome patients from the Silicon Valley and Bay Area, including Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose and San Francisco, California.

Our Facial Plastic Surgery Options

The facial plastic surgeons at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery are passionate about providing results that are beautiful and natural-looking. More than other procedures, the results of facial surgery are not able to be hidden under clothing. Your face is your greeting to the world, and you shouldn’t trust in in the hands of just anyone.

Our experienced plastic surgeons are all certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and have proved their capabilities through years of advanced training and testing in the field of plastic surgery. We are confident you are going to love the way you look.

Our facial procedures are safe and effective. They include:

  • Facelift: One of the most popular facial procedures, a facelift provides a youthful, invigorated appearance by tightening and lifting the skin and muscles in your face.
  • Eyelid lift (blepharoplasty): Bags under your eyes and sagging eyelids can give you a tired, aged appearance. Eyelid surgery can lift your eyelids and give you a refreshed, invigorated appearance.
  • Rhinoplasty: If you are unhappy with the size, shape or position of your nose, rhinoplasty can improve the appearance of your nose and in some cases, help you breathe easier.
  • Neck lift: If you want to address a sagging, wrinkly neck, a neck lift can help restore a more youthful neck appearance.
  • Brow lift: Minimize creases in your forehead and restore brow position with the popular brow lift procedure.
  • Ear surgery (otoplasty): Large, overly prominent ears can be a source of embarrassment that many people have had to live with their entire lives. Otoplasty can dramatically reshape the structure of your ear and improve your confidence.
  • Chin implants: A sharply defined chin plays a significant role in your overall facial appearance. We can help you achieve an attractive, prominent chin with safe, surgically-placed chin implants.

Why Choose Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery for Your Facial Procedure

You can’t afford to take chances with facial plastic surgery. Every one of our facial surgeons is a board-certified plastic surgeon, certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. While any physician can take a weekend course and call him or herself a plastic surgeon, only board-certified plastic surgeons have proved themselves through years of successful experience, continued advanced training and exhaustive oral and written testing in the field of plastic surgery.

We perform our procedures using only board-certified MD anesthesiologists in our AAAHC accredited onsite surgical centers. Certification by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) signifies that our facilities meet the highest levels of safety and comfort.

At Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, our passion for excellence extends beyond our surgical procedures and into every aspect of the patient experience.

We work to ensure you feel understood and comfortable. Your procedures are always fully customized just for you; for your unique goals, lifestyle and physical characteristics.

We invite you to explore our before and after gallery to see the stunning results we create for our patients.

If you live in the Silicon Valley or Bay Area, including Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose or San Francisco, and would like to learn more about the facial procedures offered at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, please contact us today online or at 650-934-7020 to schedule a free consultation.

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Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

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