How Can I Make My Butt Bigger?

Young fit woman doing squats fitness exercise in gym, rear closeup view

One of the most reliably effective ways to make your butt bigger is with a Brazilian butt lift (BBL). With this procedure, fat from another area of your body is carefully injected into specifically targeted portions of the buttocks, ultimately enhancing the size, shape, and symmetry of the derriere.

Because the fat for Brazilian butt lift is taken from your own frame, this procedure offers the dual benefit of sculpting another area of the body as well. The donor area must have sufficient fat to support removal, making areas such as the flanks, abdomen, thighs, and hips the most common areas for liposuction.

During your time in our care, we will help you determine which areas can be sculpted to both harvest fat and produce more complimentary and well-defined curves.

Do I Have to Have Surgery?

There are several ways to get a little more junk in your trunk, not all of them are surgical. However, BBL remains among the fastest and most reliable.

Other methods for improving the size, shape, and lift of your buttocks include:

  • Squats, lunges, and similar glute exercises
  • Healthy fats, lean proteins, and complex carbs

Healthy fats, such as can be found in salmon, flax, and avocados can help add volume to the butt. So too can lean proteins such as tofu, nut butter, and legumes. It is important to remember that healthy eating is much more effective for lifted buttocks when combined with exercise. It may even produce highly noticeable results. These same steps – diet and exercise – will help you maintain your BBL results, should you choose to have surgery.

Should I Consider a Butt Lift?

You are the ideal Brazilian butt lift candidate if you are:

  • Unhappy with the size or shape of your butt
  • A nonsmoker and in generally good health
  • Able to take time off for a recovery period
  • Willing to follow pre and postoperative instructions

The best way to learn if butt lift surgery is right for you is through a one-on-one consultation at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery. Call us at (650) 934-7020 to schedule your consultation today.

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