How Long Until I can Shower After Plastic Surgery?

Showering After Plastic Surgery in Los AltosHow you care for your incisions in the days and weeks following your plastic surgery procedure will play a direct role in the way they heal. Keeping incisions dry and clean is essential for proper healing and may help reduce scar visibility following full recovery.

No matter if you have had tummy tuck surgery, breast augmentation, or a facelift, properly caring for your incisions will impact the rate at which you heal – with better care often translating to a shorter recovery period. Proper care will also reduce risks of infection and help ensure optimal comfort in the initial stages of your recovery.

If you live in the Los Altos area and are interested in learning more about proper incision care following plastic surgery, please call 650-934-7020 to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons today.

Post-Plastic Surgery Showing Tips

While recovery is unique for each individual, it is generally recommended that showering be avoided for 48 hours after plastic surgery. This allows your incisions time to begin the healing process and helps prevent premature scab removal.

During this time, you can give yourself a sponge bath if you start to feel uncomfortable. Be sure to avoid the incision area entirely and use a soft washcloth and mild soap to avoid irritating your skin.

When you are ready to start showering again, you will want to:

  • Avoid hot temperatures. How water can increase risks of inflammation and can irritate incisions during the healing process.
  • Keep dressings, drains, and clips dry. Covering dressing, drains, and clips with a plastic bag before showering will help them maintain maximum effectiveness.
  • Wash gently. Use a mild soap and keep your shower on a gentle setting. Avoid applying soap directly to the incisions until they are sealed.
  • Air dry. Avoid toweling the incision area to prevent reopening the wound.

Showering in the days following plastic surgery should be kept to a minimum. Try to avoid longer showers and make every effort to keep your incisions out of direct contact with water until the wounds are closed. These steps, combined with those above, may help you avoid serious complications and unpleasant results.

Remember, showering is okay during the recovery phase, bathing is not. Like swimming, taking a bath allows incisions to soak and may increase risks of bacterial infection, wound reopening, and unfavorable results.

We Will Work With You

The type of procedure you have performed, your body’s response to surgery, and other factors unique to you will help inform how rapidly you can resume normal activities. Some patients may be able to take a shower before the 48-hour mark while others may need to wait a bit longer.

Our plastic surgeons work directly with each patient, taking time to make personalized recommendations that help facilitate the most pleasant recovery experience. During your time in our care, we will provide you with detailed and individualized instructions to help ensure your comfort, safety, and satisfaction.

To schedule your consultation at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, please call 650-934-7020 today. We provide cosmetic procedures for men and women living in San Jose, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, and all surrounding areas of California.

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