Which Breast Implant Size is Best for Me?

The size of your breast implants will play a direct role in the final appearance of your breast enlargement procedure. During the planning phase of your procedure, your plastic surgeon will carefully cover breast implant sizing, placement, and shape to help ensure you are provided with all of the information you will need to make the best decision for your body. Through the use of 3D imaging, we can further assist in your choosing the best breast implant size by allowing you to see computer-generated images of likely results.
Breast Implant Size Palo Alto

You can assist in guiding your plastic surgeon towards the look you wish to achieve by bringing in pictures of breasts you find attractive. Understanding that there are individual factors that impact breast appearance, the plastic surgeons at Altos Oaks do everything possible to honor patient desires and produce a look consistent with stated goals. With the focus of accentuating natural features while enhancing bust size, we can often assist in a complete upper body transformation when anatomical features and other individual factors are accounted for.

Call us at 650-934-7020 to learn more.

The Rice Test

One of the most basic ways to determine which breast implant size will meet your desires is the rice test. This simple at-home method of visualizing increased bust size involves cutting a pair of stockings to produce a 12” strip, filling that strip with dry rice and placing it over your breast, inside of a bra.

Measure rice in ml and start small. Breast implants are filled in liquid cc’s. 1 ml = 1 cc. You can add more rice as you see fit until you find a look that seems appealing. Write your findings down and bring them to your consultation. They can be useful in helping our plastic surgeons determine what you are looking for.

Of course, the rice test is somewhat redundant if you are coming to our office for 3D imaging and a full consultation. It can, however, be a good way to determine if increasing breast size would help produce a look closer to the one you desire before you call to meet with one of our surgeons.

Cup Size is a Poor Indicator

While giving our plastic surgeons an idea of what you find attractive through pictures and rice test results may be helpful, saying something like, “I want a D-cup,” is typically not. Cup sizes are somewhat arbitrary and can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. We will discuss cup size increases and which types of bra may provide the best support for your newly enlarged breasts during your time in our care.

Things that will factor into implant size decisions include:

  • Your height
  • The circumference of your ribcage
  • The width of your shoulders
  • The size of your hips and waist

All of these things need to be considered when planning breast enlargement to help ensure optimal results. While your desires absolutely play a role, so too does gravity, your current size, and other practical considerations. Our board-certified plastic surgeons take time to provide honest and useful information to help ensure you are making the best decisions for both your current goals and long-term satisfaction.

To schedule your breast augmentation consultation at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery, please call 650-934-7020 today. Located in Los Altos, our breast enlargement surgeons serve San Jose, Palo Alto, and all surrounding areas of California.

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