Why Consider Neck Lift Surgery?

Anti age,Treatment.,Profile,Of,Beautiful,Middle aged,Woman,Touching,Soft,SkinNeck lift surgery is designed to improve the contours and smoothness of the neck and throat. Often combined with facelift surgery to address issues impacting the lower and mid-face, neck lift surgery is also commonly performed as a stand-alone option for patients dealing with issues such as:

  • Jowls
  • Double Chin
  • Turkey Neck
  • Crepey Skin
  • Neck Bands

Safe and effective, neck lift surgery can produce results for ten or more years providing proper care is taken of the skin. During your initial consultation, we will assess the quality of your skin along with your lifestyle choices to help you determine how long you may be able to expect results to last.

How Long is Recovery?

Full recovery from neck lift surgery can take up to eight weeks. Most patients can resume work after one to two weeks, though physically demanding jobs may need to be avoided for a bit longer. During your follow-up visits, we will carefully evaluate your progress and help you decide when it is safe to resume all normal activities.

Because neck lift and other facial plastic surgery procedures require downtime, the cooler winter months mark a great time to undergo the procedure. This is especially true for people who prefer hunkering down and staying home when it’s cold outside. If you have been considering a facelift, rhinoplasty, neck lift, eyelid surgery, or any other facial plastic surgery procedure, we welcome the opportunity to meet with you for a one-on-one evaluation where we can listen to your concerns, assess your problem areas, and provide straightforward information about which options will best meet your needs.

Contact Us Today!

The board-certified plastic surgeons at Altos Oaks place patient comfort and satisfaction as top priorities. Attentive, effective, thoughtful, and experienced, our plastic surgeons take time in planning and performing all procedures to help safeguard the health and beauty of our patients – and to help ensure we are producing the results our patients deserve.

If you live in or around Los Altos and are considering neck lift surgery, please give us a call at 650-934-7020 to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons today. We serve Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose, and all surrounding areas of California.

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