Breast Augmentation: Tips For a Quick Recovery after Surgery

The steps you take during your recovery from breast augmentation will have a direct impact on your final results. This makes it very important that you closely follow the directions provided by your plastic surgeon for both pre and postoperative care. When you choose Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery for your procedure, we will work directly with you and provide you with honest information about steps you can take before and during recovery to help speed the process.

What to Expect After Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation RecoveryDays 1-7: there may be some discomfort and swelling after your procedure. Discomfort can be addressed with pain medications and swelling can be kept at bay by wearing your compression garment and taking several walks during the day. Most women are able to resume working within five to seven days of their procedure.

Days 7-14: as swelling subsides and discomfort abates, you should be able to resume many normal activities, though more demanding tasks will still need to wait.

Days 14-28: more advanced forms of exercise can be added back in at this time for most women. You will be cleared for activities based on your rate of healing during your follow up visits with one of our plastic surgeons.

By week six, most women have fully recovered and are able to resume even targeted chest exercises. Again, however, it is best to wait until you have received the okay from one of our surgeons before you begin a more aggressive workout routine.

How to Improve the Recovery Experience

During that first week of recovery, it can be very nice to have help for household tasks. Even reaching up and getting a glass can be uncomfortable for a few days after surgery. Having help makes things easier. In addition to help, create a space for yourself that invites relaxation. Chose movies, books, magazines, and other forms of entertainment beforehand and have them readily available. This will allow you to rest more effectively.

In addition to resting appropriately and having a little help, you can reduce your risk of complications and improve your comfort by:

  • Not smoking. Nicotine is a vascular constrictor. If you use it, in any of its forms, during recovery (or in the weeks leading up to your procedure) you significantly increase your risks for infection, poor wound healing, and thick, visible scars.
  • Taking a lot of walks. The more you move, gently, during the first few weeks, the less swelling and discomfort you will experience.
  • Keeping incisions clean and dry. No bathing, hot tubs, swimming, or otherwise submerging until the incisions have healed. Soaking incisions increases the risk of visible, uneven scars.
  • Following our timetable. We will help you determine when it is safe to resume different activities during your follow up visits. Follow our directions to help reduce your risk of complications and unsatisfactory results.

The better care you take of yourself leading up to and immediately following breast augmentation, the better your experience will be.

To learn more about breast augmentation, please call Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery at 650-934-7020 to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. Located in Los Altos, we welcome patients from San Jose, Palo Alto, and all surrounding areas of California.

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