Don’t Love Your Breast Implants?

Breast implant revision surgery is done to remove older implants and replace them with new ones. There are a number of reasons women consider breast implant revision, but often it comes down to changing desires or needs.

With revision surgery, one of our board-certified plastic surgeons can improve the size, shape, projection, and overall appearance of the breasts, restoring a more complimentary appearance. Other reasons to consider breast implant revision include:

  • Capsular contracture – a hard and painful scar that can form around an implant
  • Implant migration – movement out of the implant pocket that creates an uneven, asymmetrical, or otherwise unappealing look
  • Implant deflation – a loss of implant filling can make one breast look deflated, smaller, and undefined

Changing from saline breast implants to silicone breast implants is a common reason to consider breast implant revision surgery as well. Silicone implants tend to look and feel more like natural breast tissue and, even when ruptured, will maintain their size and shape for a longer period of time. This is particularly true of form-stable breast implants. Also known as gummy bear implants, form-stable options mimic the feel of natural breast tissue and have become a popular option for women looking to upgrade their breast implants.

Three reasons to consider breast implant

Is Breast Implant Revision Right for Me?

Good candidates for breast implant revision surgery should be:

  • Unhappy with results from a previous breast augmentation procedure
  • Nonsmokers who are in generally good health
  • Able to take a short time off from work and family obligations to recover
  • Willing to follow pre and postoperative directions, which may include stopping certain medications and supplements, until recovery is complete

Of course, there are several considerations when it comes to candidacy for a plastic surgery procedure. The best way to learn if breast implant revision surgery is right for you is through a private and confidential one-on-one consultation at our Los Altos plastic surgery center.

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the world. Hundreds of thousands of women have breast implants placed every year – and many of these women will not need breast implant revision surgery. As a less common procedure, it is important that you choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with sufficient experience to perform implant revision. Our breast surgeons have decades of experience and a reputation for producing remarkable results. If you are wondering if breast implant revision surgery is a good fit for your needs, get in touch today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options.

Please call Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery at 650-934-7020 to schedule a consultation. We welcome patients from Los Altos, San Jose, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Mountain View, and all surrounding areas of California.


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