What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a procedure in which the size, shape, projection, and contours of the nose are brought into ideal proportions with the head and face. You may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty if you have:

  • A crooked or asymmetrical nose
  • Asymmetrical nostrils
  • Septal deviation
  • A nose that is too large or too small
  • A bump or lump on the bridge of the nose
  • A droopy, wide, or up-turned tip

While not intended for medical purposes, rhinoplasty may also offer benefits to people struggling with certain breathing problems, post-nasal drip, and chronic snoring.

Nose Job in Los Altos

Different Types of Rhinoplasty

We offer both open and closed rhinoplasty at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery. Closed rhinoplasty, the most common technique, requires small incisions be made inside the nostrils to allow access to the cartilage that will be reshaped. The closed technique hides all incisions inside of the nostrils and may reduce recovery time, but it is not an option for all patients.

Open rhinoplasty requires an additional incision be made externally, typically in between the nostrils, to allow greater access to bone and cartilage. Open rhinoplasty may be better suited for patients with more pronounced congenital deformities or who have experienced trauma such as a broken nose.

When you come to Altos Oaks for your rhinoplasty consultation, one of our experienced and board-certified plastic surgeons will carefully assess the structure of your nose, your surrounding facial features, and the dimensions of your entire head to help you determine which techniques and options will best produce the look you desire.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Recovery from rhinoplasty will depend on factors including the technique used, your body’s natural healing response, and how well you follow our pre and postoperative instructions. We will work closely with you to make sure the appropriate steps are being taken to keep you safe during and after your procedure.

When proper care is taken, patients should be able to resume working and most normal activities within one week. More strenuous activities and those that bring the head below the heart (yoga, for example) will need to be avoided for a bit longer, but typically no more than four to six weeks. During your follow up visits, we will assess your progress and make suggestions and modifications as appropriate to help ensure the speediest recovery possible.

Results from rhinoplasty may be visible as soon as bruising and swelling subsides – typically around week two or three – though full results may take months to become apparent. Once finalized, your results will be permanent – barring trauma, of course.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you have questions or if you are ready to schedule your rhinoplasty consultation, please call Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery at 650-934-7020 today. Located in Los Altos, we welcome rhinoplasty patients from San Jose, Mountain View, and all surrounding areas of California.

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Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

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