Will Insurance Cover Breast Augmentation?

Doctor with measure tape measuring the size of the patient's breast.

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the size and shape of the bust. With augmentation, our board-certified plastic surgeons can address a number of aesthetic issues, including:

  • Breasts that are too small for the frame
  • Asymmetrical breast tissue
  • Inadequate cleavage
  • Volume loss following pregnancy

Breast augmentation can improve clothing options, increase self-confidence, and enhance the entire frame. However, because breast augmentation offers no medical benefit, it is not a procedure that insurance plans typically cover.

Payment Options for Breast Augmentation

The average cost of breast augmentation in the United States is right around $4,000. This amount can vary depending on several factors, including which type of breast implant is being used and where the implants are being placed. Upfront and honest, we will provide you with information about all associated costs, enabling you to plan appropriately for your procedure.

We accept cash, checks, and most major credit cards for breast augmentation. If none of these options seem appealing to you, we also offer breast augmentation financing through CareCredit®. CareCredit is a healthcare financing company that offers several payment plans, including those with 0% APR and others with low, fixed APRs. If you are considering breast augmentation but are not certain you want to pay for the procedure up-front and out-of-pocket, visit the CareCredit website to apply for funding and learn more.

Why Choose Us

All of the plastic surgeons at Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the only plastic surgery board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Board-certified plastic surgeons are held to a higher standard than cosmetic surgeons and must continuously meet benchmarks, including panel reviews of patient results, to maintain certification.

The board-certified plastic surgeons at our Los Altos office perform all of their procedures in our private and comfortable, AAAHC accredited on-site surgical center. Not only does this save you time and money, but it also enables us to personally make sure you are safe and comfortable from the moment you enter our office for your initial consultation through your final post-operative visit.

Caring, thoughtful, effective, and dedicated, our plastic surgeons are here to help you reach your goals. Call us at (650) 934-7020 to schedule your consultation today.

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