Will Tummy Tuck Surgery Remove Fat?

Overweight woman body with hands touching belly fatTummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is used to remove excess fat and loose or sagging skin from the midsection of the body. During tummy tuck surgery, liposuction is used on the abdominal area to eliminate stubborn deposits of fat, helping to produce a toned, trimmed, and well-defined belly and waist.

Tummy tuck surgery will remove fat. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and create a generally slimmer physique. During a full abdominoplasty, separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) are reattached and tightened as well. In combination with the removal of exercise-resistant fat and loose/bulky skin, this draws in the waist, helping to sculpt the ideal form for optimal emotional and physical comfort.

Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Covered by Insurance?

No. Tummy tuck surgery is an elective procedure that is not typically covered by insurance. We work with CareCredit® for tummy tuck financing and would be happy to discuss this option with you in greater detail during your initial abdominoplasty consultation.

Is Tummy Tuck Right for Me?

You may be a good tummy tuck candidate if you have excess fat deposits and loose skin around your belly, waist, and hips. Tummy tuck surgery is not a weight loss procedure, however, and is best for individuals who are close to their goal BMI.

Good tummy tuck candidates need to be non-tobacco users who are in generally good health. If you use a tobacco product, including non-combustible varieties (vape pens, etc.), you will need to stop at least six weeks prior to your procedure and be willing to stay quit for at least six weeks after. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. It will create thick, ropey, and unattractive tummy tuck scars.

Healthy individuals who are close to their goal weight make great tummy tuck candidates when they are:

  • Physically and emotionally prepared for a surgical procedure
  • Willing to rest during a required recovery period
  • Able to follow all pre and postoperative directions from our office
  • Aware of the benefits and limitations of abdominoplasty

The absolutely best way to learn if you are a good tummy tuck candidate is through a one-on-one consultation at our Los Altos office.
Please call Altos Oaks Plastic Surgery at (650) 934-7020 to schedule a consultation and learn more.

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